Frédéric Volpi: Protest Movements and Islamist Mobilisation in North Africa

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Profesor Frédéric Volpi (The University of Edinburgh) přednese přednášku s názvem Protest Movements and Islamist Mobilisation in North Africa: Looking Beyond the Arab Uprisings ve čtvrtek, 19. 12. 2019, v 17:45 na nám. Jana Palacha 2, místnost 300.

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This lecture considers some of the main trends for protest movements in North Africa in the 2010s. In particular it investigates the nexus between Islamist and protest mobilisation. How far are Islamist actors the instigators of protests? How far do they bring additional momentum to ongoing protests? How far are they empowered in the aftermath of protests? Examining the recent trajectories of protests in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, this lecture identifies some of the main causes and implications of these different types of Islamist involvement for the politics of these countries.

Plakát: MELS Frederic Volpi

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