Three Middle Eastern Utopias and the Fading Trust in the Nahdah

Katedra Blízkého východu Vás srdečně zve na přednášku, kterou pronese prof. Stephan Guth (The University of Oslo) s názvem Three Middle Eastern Utopias and the Fading Trust in the Nahdah.

Přednáška se bude konat v pondělí, 9. 12. 2019, v 17:30 v místnosti 238, Celetná 20, Praha 1.

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Plakát:Three Middle Eastern Utopias


The lecture analyses three utopian novellas, written by prominent authors from the Middle East at three different periods (M.F. Akhundov 1857, Al-Manfalūṭī c. 1908, Y. Idrīs 1954). Each novella represents a stage in the development of Middle Easterners’ attitude towards the project of a nahḍah, or cultural upswing/revival, and with it the – gradually decreasing – belief in the feasibility of social and political reform, progress, and modernity in general. The main focus of the analysis will be on narrative perspective, as the structural feature that tells us most about the writers’ vision du monde – and the view of their respective society’s future.

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