Alireza Abiz: A New Approach to Censorship of Literature in Post-Revolutionary Iran

Katedra Blízkého východu zve všechny zájemce na přednášku íránského básníka, překladatele, literárního kritika a badatele Alirezy Abize s názvem A New Approach to Censorship of Literature in Post-Revolutionary Iran.

Přednáška proběhne 26. října v 17:45 v Celetné 13, místnost 1.08. Po přednášce bude prostor na dotazy a diskusi.


All major approaches to censorship debate are centred round one central question: definition. Their difference lies in what they consider to be censorial acts. Censorship in present-day ran is all-inclusive, extensive, amorphous, arbitrary, and unpredictable. It covers all areas of literary activity, as well as the public and private life of authors and readers. The state uses two main sets of policies to control culture: intimidation and tokenism or in other words reward and punishment. It is the scope of censorship regimes and the tools they use which make all the difference. I therefore believe that any definition of censorship which ignores the experience of the censored author is a failed attempt which will lead to an endless debate on the binary concepts of repression versus free speech. Those on the receiving end of censorship know that it can take diverse shapes. It is as diverse as the experiences of every censored individual.

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