Lexicographic Database of Bedouin Dialects

The database was built upon a card catalogue of lexicographical notes found in the inheritance of Alois Musil. It encompasses lexicons of the Beduin tribe Rwala and others that are accompanied by their explanations in Czech and German. The database contains around 8600 semantic units that are classified according to their word roots and other criteria. It allows visitors to search the units and further classify them. The database provides a manual in Czech and English. It is open to additional editing and development.

The project of Alois Musil’s lexicographical database was kindly supported by Specific Academic Research Projects approved in 2016 by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.


access to the lexicographic database

user database manual


Jakub Koláček, Adéla Provazníková, Petr Felčer, 2016

Úvod > Research > Lexicographic Database of Bedouin Dialects