Pavel Ťupek, PhD is an assistant professor at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Charles University, Prague. He teaches and researches in the fields of Arabic and Islamic studies. His research has concentrated on teachings of the medieval scholar Ibn Taymiyya and his influence on Salafi reformism of the 19th century, as well as on the ideologization of his conception of tawhid in contemporary Salafism. In his recent monograph „The Temptation of Graves in Salafi Islam“ (2018, Edinburgh University Press, together with O. Beranek) he focuses on Salafi legal and theological reasoning behind the destruction of funeral architecture and graves in historial perspective. He also provides analysis of Salafi ideological material and doctrines, including in their European settings.
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The Temptation of Graves: Destruction and Iconoclasm in Salafi Islam. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018 (Co-authored with O. Beránek).
Salafitský islám (Salafi Islam). Praha: Academia, 2015.
Dvojí tvář islámské charity (The Two Faces of Islamic Charity). Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2008 (Co-authored with O. Beránek).
Ibn Tajmíja. Wásitské vyznání (Wasitian Creed with introductory study and commentary). Praha: Academia, 2013.
„From Visiting Graves to Their Destruction: The Question of Ziyara through the Eyes of Salafis.“ Crown Paper 2, July 2009, Brandeis University (Co-authored with Ondrej Beranek).
„Ideologie Islámského státu: Salafitská rétorika, chalífát a cizinci“ (Ideology of the Islamic State: Salafi Rhetorics, Caliphate and the Strangers). In O. Beránek a B. Ostřanský (eds), Islámský stát: Blízký východ na konci časů. Praha: Academia, 2013, pp. 85-100.
„Pohledem hroboborců: Hroby jako závažné téma autorit salafitského islámu“ (Grave destruction from the Salafi perspective). In B. Ostřanský (ed.), Smrt, hroby a záhrobí v islámu (Death, Graves and the Hereafter in Islam). Praha: Academia, pp. 208-232.
„Sunni-Shi’a Ideological Clashes in the Post-Saddam Iraq and the Role of Salafism“. In O. Beranek (ed.), Europe, the Middle East, and Global War on Terror. Frankfurt am Main: Peterlang, 2012, pp. 109-121.