Jitka Malečková is a professor of Turkish and Ottoman Studies. From 2004 to 2008, she worked as a program officer at the Russell Sage Foundation in New York. She was a visiting professor at the EHESS in France, CEU in Hungary, the University of Washington in Seattle in the United States, then Sabancı University in Turkey, and a fellow at various institutions, including the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences in Stanford and the European University Institute in Florence. Her book Úrodná půda: Žena ve službách národa (Fertile Soil: the Woman in the Nation’s Service) (Prague: ISV 2002) analyses how the emerging Turkish national ideology used images of women in the late Ottoman Empire and compares the Turkish example with national discourses of other societies that remained on the margins of post-Enlightenment Europe. With Petr Kučera, she recently published a book on Ottoman travelers from Istanbul to Europe and to the Empire’s Eastern provinces, titled Z Istanbulu až na konec světa : osmanské cestopisy z přelomu 19. a 20. století (From Istanbul to the End of the World: Ottoman Travel Writings from the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries, Prague: Academie 2019).
Contact information: jitka.maleckova@ff.cuni.cz
“The Turk” in the Czech Imagination (1870s-1923), Leiden: Brill 2020.
Z Istanbulu až na konec světa: osmanské cestopisy z přelomu 19. a 20. Století [From Istanbul to the End of the World: Ottoman Travel Accounts from the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries] (with Petr Kučera), Praha: Academia, 2019.
“Our Turks”, or “Real Turks”? Czechs’ Perceptions of the Slavic Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina, World Literature Studies 10, 2018, no. 1, 15-26.
“Poznej své (ne)přátele: Češi o osmanských Turcích na přelomu 19. a 20. Století” [Know Your F(oes)riends: Czechs on Ottoman Turks at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries], Historický časopis, 2015, no. 4, pp. 579-604.
“Czech Women Writers and Racial Others: (Un)timely Reflections on the History of Czech Nationalism”, Central Europe 13, 2015, nos. 1-2, pp. 4-18.
“Gender, History and ‚Small Europe‘”, European History Quarterly 40, 2010, no. 4, pp. 685–700.
With Alan Krueger: “Attitudes and Action: Public Opinion and the Occurrence of International Terrorism”, Science 325, 18 September 2009/5947, pp. 1534-1536.