Jakub Koláček, Ph.D. studied Arabic and Historical Sociology at the Charles University. He studied the Ph.D. program in History and Cultures of Asia and Africa at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, where he has been teaching since 2018 several courses focused on modern Middle Eastern history, Islam, and environmental politics and history of the Middle East since 2018 and working as a researcher and academic staff member. During his studies and research, he undertook academic stays at universities in Egypt (Cairo University, AUC) and Iran (University of Ahvaz). He has contributed to several grant projects and is the author of academic articles published in Czech and international journals and collective monographs.
Contact information: jakub.kolacek@ff.cuni.cz
„Muhammad Khatami’s Reforms in Iran from the Perspective of Transitology and the Outlook for Democratic Change.“ Historická sociologie 16, no. 1 (2024): 9–28. https://doi.org/10.14712/23363525.2024.2
(in coauthorship with Jakub Záhora and Tereza Plíštilová) „Struggling for Relevance? Academia and Public Debate on Israel/Palestine in the Czech Republic.“ POMEPS studies, no. 51 (2024): 49–54.
„Hory a nerosty v islámu.“ Svět literatury 33, no. 68 (2023): 26–38. https://doi.org/10.14712/23366729.2023.2.2
„Islámský stát a problém suveréna: Pojetí suverenity u Sajjida Qutba a Rúholláha Chomejního a problémy jeho praktického uplatnění.“ Nový Orient 76, no. 2 (2023): 2–10.
„The Khomeinists: Between Sedentarization and Perpetual Revolution.“ In ISIS and the Others: Hybrid Revolutionaries in Global Politics, ed. Ondrej Ditrych, Jakub Záhora and Jan Daniel. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023.
„Islámská ekoteologie: Mezi různými (fyzickými i diskurzivními) světy,“ in Setkávání kultur: identity, ideologie, jazyky, ed. Olga Lomová, Jitka Malečková & Karel Šima. Praha: Filozofická fakulta, 2022.
„The Qur’ān as a Source for Contemporary Islamic Environmental Ethics,“ Archiv orientální, 88 (2022), no. 2: 221–248, https://doi.org/10.47979/aror.j.88.2.221-248.
(in coauthorship with Jan Kratochvíl) „What was *platъ and how Did it Work? Reconstructing a Piece of Slavic Cloth Currency,“ Exarc Journal 2020, no. 4 (25. 11.). https://exarc.net/ark:/88735/10544.
„Jan Kalenda: Formování evropských států: Autoři, modely a teoretická syntéza,“ review, Historická sociologie 12, no. 1 (2020): 169–172. https://doi.org/10.14712/23363525.2020.14.
„Klimatické změny a dopad na íránskou emigraci,“ In Encyklopedie migrace, 2020. https://www.encyclopediaofmigration.org/klimaticke-zmeny-a-dopady-na-iranskou-emigraci/.
(in coauthorship with Adéla Provazníková and Jakub Rumpl)„Elektronická lexikální databáze beduínských dialektů arabštiny vytvořená z lístkového souboru zachovaného v pozůstalosti Aloise Musila,“ Nový Orient 71, no. 4 (2016): 44–50.