Kalendář akcí

Kalendář blízkovýchodních akcí akademického a vzdělávacího charakteru v České republice a okolí. Spravuje KBV FF UK za pomoci spřízněných institucí.
Middle East Lecture Series: Nadje Al-Ali
Lis 29 @ 17:45 – 19:00

Gendering Authoritarianism & Resistance: The Significance of Body Politics in the Middle East

Nadje Al-Ali
Nadje Al-Ali is Professor of Gender Studies at the Centre for Gender Studies (CGS), SOAS University of London. She is currently chair of the Centre for Gender Studies but will leave SOAS to take up a new position in anthropology with reference to the Middle East at Brown University in January. Her main research interests revolve around feminist activism and gendered mobilization, mainly with reference to Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and the Kurdish political movement, and most recently Lebanon. Her publications include What kind of Liberation? Women and the Occupation of Iraq (2009, University of California Press, co-authored with Nicola Pratt); Women and War in the Middle East: Transnational Perspectives (Zed Books, 2009, co-edited with Nicola Pratt); Iraqi Women: Untold Stories from 1948 to the Present (2007, Zed Books Secularism, Gender and the State in the Middle East (Cambridge University Press 2000) as well as numerous book chapters and journal articles. Her co-edited book with Deborah al-Najjar entitled We are Iraqis: Aesthetics & Politics in a Time of War (Syracuse University Press) won the 2014 Arab-American book prize for non-fiction. Her more recent research and publications focus on the Turkish-Kurdish conflict and the Kurdish women’s movement and queer feminist activism in Beirut.

She has been a member of the Feminist Review Collective, and is on the editorial board of Kohl: a journal of body and gender research. As a feminist activist she has been involved in various local and transnational organizations and campaigns and was a founding member of Act Together: Women’s Action for Iraq.

Teheran Duo: Contemporary Iranian Literature
Pro 6 @ 17:30 – 19:00

Katedra Blízkého východu Vás zve na přednášku:

Teheran Duo: Contemporary Iranian Literature

Two Iranian authors, Bita Malakuti and Raziyeh Ansari, will discuss their literary work and read short excerpts from their prose and poetry in Persian, Czech and English.

Date and Time: Thursday, 6 December 2018, 17:30

Location: Faculty of Arts, Charles Unviersity, Room 238, Celetná 20, 116, Staré Město

Organised by: Zuzana Kříhová and Mona Khademi, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Charles University

About authors:

Bita Malakuti was born in Tehran. She started taking writing seriously by the age of 20 and poems and short stories were getting published in different magazines before she 25. So far she has published seven books, including three collections of short stories, two poetry, one novella and one reference book on the professional life of the renowned Iranian actress Soosan Taslimi. She left Iran for the United States in 2006 and now she is living in Prague, Czech Republic. Some of her poems have been translated and published in other languages such as English, French, Turkish, Kurdish, Swedish, Czech, Arabic, Nepali and Spanish.

Razieh Ansari studied linguistics and German studies in Iran. She cooperated with many Iranian periodics, eg. Negah-e now, Bahar, Sharq, Hamshahri.. At her literary work, she focuses at interaction between tradition an modernity and her prosaic works have won her national as well as international recognition. Her first novel, Like A Scent in the Breeze, was awarded the Iranian Literary Prize in 2012. Her subsequent novels, Tehran Trio and A Woman with a Pearl Brooch, were both received with critical acclaim. Raziyeh Ansari lives currently at Prague.

Middle East – Media and PR Wars
Pro 7 @ 9:00 – 16:00

Mezinárodní konference Metropolitní univerzity Praha

Middle East Lecture Series: Richard Wittmann
Pro 13 @ 17:45 – 19:15
Middle East Lecture Series: Richard Wittmann

For they cannot speak: Two Early examples of animal protection laws in the Islamic world

The legal protection of animals in the pre-modern Islamic world is a largely understudied topic among students of the Middle East. Idealized depictions of the interaction of humans with animals in the prescriptive religious texts of Orthodox Islam as well as in the writings of Islamic mystics do not allow for an adequate assessment of how animals were treated by people in different realms and periods of Islamic history.
This talk will offer a glimpse at the legal protection afforded to beasts of burden on the local level in two Ottoman cities on the basis of regional law codes (kanunnames). Two easily overlooked passages in Ottoman law codes from Anatolia at the beginning of the 16th century contain legal stipulations with regard to beasts of burden, which, as will be argued in this paper, present the earliest known codification of animal rights in the Ottoman context. More importantly, while regulating the protection of the rights of animals only for a very specific context, a close look at the legal stipulations reveals a surprisingly modern and “progressive“ sounding justification of the need of animals to receive protection from the abuse by humans. Is it possible that views held by animal rights activists of the 20th century and by a handful of Western philosophers since the 17th century in favor of a pathocentric approach to animal rights were already anticipated in an Ottoman legal code of the 16th century?
By contrasting the stipulations of the kanunnames to the views on animal rights expressed in Islamic doctrine, Sufi treatises, hisba texts and travelogues from the Ottoman period, this paper will call into question for Ottoman Anatolia of the early 16th century the predominant view on animal protection held for the pre-modern Islamic world (and beyond) from a merely anthropocentric perspective.


Richard Wittmann (Ph.D. in History and Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University 2008) is the Associate Director of the Orient-Institut Istanbul, a German humanities research institute abroad. The Istanbul based member institute of the Max Weber Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of academic research on Turkey and its neighboring countries of the Balkans and the Near East. After studying Law, Islamic Studies, and Turcology at the University of Munich and at Freie Universität Berlin he was awarded a scholarship from Harvard University where he continued his studies at the Department of History and at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
His research interests focus on Islamic legal history and the social history of the Ottoman Empire. Special attention is given in his work to the consideration of self-narratives as historic sources for the study of the Near East. Richard Wittmann coordinates an international collaborative research project aiming at the study and publication of Ottoman self-narratives (www.istanbulmemories.org). He is the editor of the publication series Memoria. Fontes Minores ad Historiam Imperii Ottomanici Pertinentes (www.perspectivia.net/publikationen/memoria) and coeditor of the monograph series Life Narratives of the Ottoman Realm: Individual and Empire in the Near East (https://www.routledge.com/Life-Narratives-of-the-Ottoman-Realm-Individual-and-Empire-in-the-Near-East/book-series/LNOR).
His latest coedited volume Istanbul – Kushta – Constantinople. Narratives of Identity in the Ottoman Capital, 1830-1930 (Routledge) was released in September 2018.

Middle East Movie Nights: Crossing the Bridge
Pro 20 @ 17:45 – 19:15

Katedra Blízkého východu zve na projekci filmu Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul s následnou diskuzí!

Award-winning director Fatih Akin takes us on a journey through Istanbul, the city that bridges Europe and Asia, and challenges familiar notions of east and west. He looks at the vibrant musical scene which includes traditional Turkish music plus rock and hip-hop.

Datum a čas: 20. 12. 2018 v 17:45

Místo: C238, Celetná 20, Praha 1

Moderátoři: Stefano Taglia (OÚ AV ČR) a Karolína Lahučká (KBV FF UK)

Krst knihy: Z Istanbulu až na konec světa
Úno 19 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Nakladatelství Academia Vás srdečně zve na slavnostní uvedení a prezentaci knihy Jitky Malečkové a Petra Kučery Z Istanbulu až na konec světa: Osmanské cestopisy z přelomu 19. a 20. století.

Datum a čas: Úterý 19. února 2019 v 18:00

Místo: Literární kavárna Academia (Václavské nám. 34, Praha 1)

Middle East Lecture Series: Hugh Kennedy
Úno 28 @ 17:45 – 19:15
Fatma al-Ma’amari: Ambassador of Omani Language and Culture
Bře 7 @ 17:45 – 19:15

Katedra Blízkého východu Vás zve na přednášku „Fatma al-Ma’amari – Ambassador of Omani Language and Culture“ ve čtvrtek, 7. března 2019, v 17:45 v místnosti 238.

Je to vaše příležitost objevit Omán, být mezi Ománci, přiblížit se k ománským zvykům a tradicím, ochutnat ománskou kávu a vychutnat si vůni ománského kadidla.

Bře 20 @ 18:00 – 20:00

Zajímá vás perská kultura? Chtěli byste se dozvědět něco více o Nourúzu, nejvýznamnějším perském svátku, který se slaví nejen v Íránu, ale i Afghánistánu, Tádžikistánu, Ázerbájdžánu a dalších zemích?

Přijďte s námi oslavit perský Nový rok:
• tradičním perským a arménským tancem (taneční skupina Šírín)
• povídáním o tradicích a zvycích, které se pojí s Nourúzem
• promítáním íránského filmu
• a možná i občerstvením!

Akce se koná v Studentském klubu Celetná, Celetná 20, Praha 1, ve středu 20. března, od 18 hod

Pořádá Katedra Blízkého východu, vstupné dobrovolné

Middle East Lecture Series: Marilyn Booth
Bře 21 @ 17:45 – 19:00

Authorizing feminist readings of Islamic history: Zaynab Fawwaz and the gender politics of Egyptian public discourse in the fin-de-siècle

Lebanese-Egyptian Zaynab Fawwaz (c1850-1914) was an unusual presence in 1890s Egyptian discourse: a largely self-taught immigrant from Shiʿi south Lebanon, a woman who wrote and published without major family support, a forthright voice on women’s needs as distinct from ‘the nation’s’. Like most Arabophone writers on ‘the woman question’, Fawwaz addressed girls’ education, but she focused less on domestic training and more on work and income, gender-defined dependency and exploitation, and the uses of religious knowledge. She addressed the relationship between female mobility and feminine intellectual self-realisation. Framing her arguments within terms of engagement defined by Islamic shariʿa, she appropriated keywords to redefine them for an indigenous feminism. She repurposed the premodern Islamic-Arabic genre of biographical writing for feminist-inflected history writing. I consider how Fawwaz deployed terminology and genre to contest patriarchal readings of Islamic practice sustained by assumptions of masculinist authority. Fawwaz’s writings remind us that secularism was never inherent in Arabophone feminist theorizing, nor were the earliest Arab feminisms Western derivatives. Particular historical assemblages and perspectives shaped by Islamic (and Christian) worldviews yielded creative syntheses that were firmly indigenous.

Bře 25 @ 19:30 – 22:00

Madžlis a Katedra Blízkého východu FF UK Vás srdečně zvou na již tradiční promítání filmu ve spolupráci s čítárnou Unijazz. Byť je prostor v Jindřišské nyní uzavřen, kolektiv stále funguje, a to v prostorách kavárny Únik, kde se uskuteční i tato akce.

Tenktokrát Madžlis s KBV promítnou film MUSTANG z tureckého prostředí režisérky Deniz Gamze Ergüven, která za svůj debut získala nominaci na oscara za nejlepší zahraniční film. Ústředním motivem Mustanga jsou ženy. Pět sester snažící se rozbít okovy konzervativního tureckého venkova, revoltující proti tradičním hodnotám své rodiny, hledající vlastní identitu a cestu ke svobodě. Mustang jakožto divoký kůň symbolizuje právě jejich vzdor.

Film bude doprovázet komentář turkoložky a překladatelky Petry Sedmíkové, která mimo jiné vytvořila české titulky k filmu.


Informační setkání pro uchazeče
Bře 28 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Katedra Blízkého východu zve srdečně všechny uchazeče o obory Blízkovýchodní studia i Hebraistika a židovská studia na informační setkání. Uchazeči budou mít příležitost seznámit se s členy katedry i jejími studenty a získat odpovědi na své dotazy k přijímacímu řízení, ale i ke studiu na KBV.

Těšíme se na viděnou

Informační setkání pro uchazeče
Bře 30 @ 13:00 – 14:00

Katedra Blízkého východu zve srdečně všechny uchazeče o obory Blízkovýchodní studia i Hebraistika a židovská studia na informační setkání. Uchazeči budou mít příležitost seznámit se s členy katedry i jejími studenty a získat odpovědi na své dotazy k přijímacímu řízení, ale i ke studiu na KBV.

Těšíme se na viděnou

Difficult Neighbours? Jews and Christians in Medieval Legal Texts
Dub 2 @ 11:00 – Dub 3 @ 12:00

Srdečně Vás zveme na workshop zaměřený na zkoumání způsobů, jakými se k sobě vztahovali středověcí Židé a křesťané v právních textech – jaké bylo postavení Židů a konvertitů v křesťanském právu, jak řešily soužití s křesťany hebrejská responsa, jak spolupracovaly židovské a křesťanské autority při trestání zločinů.

Pořádá Pražské centrum židovských studií FF UK, ve spolupráci s projektem KREAS a univerzitami v Beer-Ševě a Mnichově.

Middle East Lecture Series: Alain Dieckhoff
Dub 11 @ 17:45 – 19:15

Katedra Blízkého východu a Orientální ústav AV ČR Vás zve na další přednášku ze série Middle East Lecture Series!
Dr. Alain Dieckhoff (Centre de recherches internationales, Sciences Po) přednese přednášku s názvem: After the general elections of April 9th: Whither Israel? ve čtvrtek, 11. 4. 2019, v 17:45 na na Nám. Jana Palacha 2, místnost 200.

Těšíme se na Vás!

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